Whiner's Don't Count
Well, this is the last entry I plan on making regarding Rita and her victims so please bear with me and we will move on to other subjects later.
I opened my blog and a blog buddy of mine created another site specifically for the people of East Texas to post their first hand accounts of the storm and their FEMA horror stories. I have had several "hits" but no responses and the other site has a grand total of 10 comments, 2 by the creator. But the whining in the area continues. No one is willing to step up and put their words in a format that will get their stories out. I don't get it....Why complain to each other....They are experiencing the same thing or have already heard your story...Tell it to people that don't know what the truth of the situation was. People out in the world do care and they want to hear what is going on here!
Has anyone considered that this may very well happen again and if you don't speak up it'll be the same thing for you or your neighbors? Why is New Orleans getting all the press? Could it be because they are speaking up and getting heard by the whole nation? Could it be that Katrina's victim's are demanding to be heard? And they aren't going to stop shouting until someone does something. Could it be that we had rather whine to each other and keep it among ourselves. Guess what people ...whiners don't count in this world....We have to take action and speak up for ourselves. So when it happens again a few of us will be a lot wiser , prepared for the worst and praying for the best. A few of us will speak up for ourselves and will keep on trying to make changes for the betterment of all. But the whiners of the world will keep on whining away and wondering why no one will listen to them.
So I'm leaving this up for a little while longer and then I will reclaim my "space" where the only bitching will be my own and the whining will be for theatrical purposes only!
Enjoy your day and remember "whiner's don't count, doer's get the job done!"
I opened my blog and a blog buddy of mine created another site specifically for the people of East Texas to post their first hand accounts of the storm and their FEMA horror stories. I have had several "hits" but no responses and the other site has a grand total of 10 comments, 2 by the creator. But the whining in the area continues. No one is willing to step up and put their words in a format that will get their stories out. I don't get it....Why complain to each other....They are experiencing the same thing or have already heard your story...Tell it to people that don't know what the truth of the situation was. People out in the world do care and they want to hear what is going on here!
Has anyone considered that this may very well happen again and if you don't speak up it'll be the same thing for you or your neighbors? Why is New Orleans getting all the press? Could it be because they are speaking up and getting heard by the whole nation? Could it be that Katrina's victim's are demanding to be heard? And they aren't going to stop shouting until someone does something. Could it be that we had rather whine to each other and keep it among ourselves. Guess what people ...whiners don't count in this world....We have to take action and speak up for ourselves. So when it happens again a few of us will be a lot wiser , prepared for the worst and praying for the best. A few of us will speak up for ourselves and will keep on trying to make changes for the betterment of all. But the whiners of the world will keep on whining away and wondering why no one will listen to them.
So I'm leaving this up for a little while longer and then I will reclaim my "space" where the only bitching will be my own and the whining will be for theatrical purposes only!
Enjoy your day and remember "whiner's don't count, doer's get the job done!"
At 9:53 PM, November 28, 2005,
Sassie said…
Hope this gets somebody out there fired up enough to speak out about their experiences and tell their story...sorry if I offended anyone..just trying to make a point and it is after all my space and my opinion....
At 11:44 AM, December 11, 2005,
charlie said…
I have to smile
I clicked on your site (blog) from:
Yeap, I renamed it, added content and its tha same story. No comments!
Lol though, 84 from i-Town has clicked on it recently.
Check it your self & go back later and see if your site comes...
I need to work on braindrano ie new template.
gardenbycharlie needs fixing.
Works but!
Thanks for letting old charlie post to yur bolg heah
Its looking Good too!
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